No. 7: Syncopation #2

A Time is Away Herbal Emma Dabiri, Don’t Touch My Hair (2020) ‘In opposition to custom, Mbembe insists that the idea of ‘tradition’ never really existed and reminds us there is a pre-colonial African modernity that has not been taken into account in contemporary creativity. Boom! African cultures tend to be syncretic. While all cultures bleed, […]

No. 6: Syncopation

>Play< Time is Away asks: if gardens are the answer, what is the question? A Time is Away Herbal I’m really interested in the shape shifting format of these shows and their experimental approach to archive. This episode.. ‘surfaces the entangled, often traumatic colonial and imperial histories of plants and gardens, while tending the green […]

No.8.: Becoming

No. 8.: Becoming Around 500BC Heraclitus wrote: ‘As the same thing in us are living and dead, waking and sleeping, young and old. For these things having changed around are those, and those in turn having changed around are these.’ – SJW “Decay does not result in an equivocation between putrid and wholesome; it rather […]

No.17: Resurfacing

No. 17. Resurfacing Over many months and seasons, Appau Jnr Boakye-Yiadom and I shared conversations about rhythms that resurface in the world around us: cultural, circadian and the intersections between, from music to fruit to geology and back again. Junior works collaboratively with percussionists from different musical backgrounds: rhythms and tempos of differing cultures rub […]

No. 23: Darkness

Flora Parrott | Darkness Retreat, 2021 For Aoife McKim Commissioned by Legion Projects [Credits] Click to enter. Please watch in the dark. Friedrich Engels | Dialectics of Nature (1883) ‘Millions of years may elapse, hundreds of thousands of generations be born and die, but inexorably the time will come when the declining warmth of the sun […]

No.15: Sentient Matter

Bo Choy, un/folding in (2016) Traditions, memory and heritage resurface within the present realm, giving texture and form to the contemporary psyche and social fabric. Read more In a lineage of modern science, we have known since at least Einstein’s theory of special relativity, that ‘now’ doesn’t exist; only ‘here and now’ can be […]

No.3: Imprints

Okwui Okpokwasili, Bronx Gothic [excerpt] Okpokwasili’s practice takes on a process of desedimentation of the black female body, uncovering and reading its ingrained ancestorial narratives. Read more… In her collective performance, Sitting on a Man’s Head, inspired by one of many forms of protest practiced by Nigerian women in 1929 in defiance of colonial […]